Sistemas De Control Moderno Dorf Pdf 28
a very high relative over-percentage value (eop = 0.5%) could be achieved in less than 0.015 seconds. this short response time shows the positive influence of the observability of lfsv in the hfsv control design. the hfsv dynamics can be considered as a combination of the tracking error and the adaptation error. the faster the observer, the lower the system will be adapted, thus, the better the response time of the hfsv. the observer of hfsv is used to analyze the control system, in order to verify if the ideal fast control has been achieved.
the observer acts to stabilize the output. the response time (rt), of the ideal fast controller is 8.67 milliseconds. this means that the ideal fast controller adapted to the hfsv dynamics in less than one second, so the ideal fast controller is able to stabilize the hfsv dynamics up to 8.67 milliseconds, since the observer feedback gain (kb) is controlled as rt, the control system is a high-pass filter for the observer feedback in figure 9. the over-impulse percentage (op) calculated for hfsv is 0.3%. this figure is representative of the transient behaviour of the hfsv.
in this section the system controlled by lqr and observer in state variables is analyzed and compared with lfsv and observer in state variables, in order to present a more stabile and faster control action. the behavior of the system controlled by lqr presented in figure 17 shows a better performance, which is reflected in a better establishment time (0,5) seconds with the observer in state variables and the establishment time between (0,4 and 0,5) seconds with lqr. the system controlled by lfsv also offers a similar result, this time with a establishment time between (0,4 and 0,5) seconds. 3d9ccd7d82